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Build Your Business Right

Building a business is much like putting together a puzzle; it has many parts, and not all of them are smooth. But if you if invest some time, thought and planning, you'll be able to build a successful business and become a picture of success. These articles are meant to provide you with ideas, inspiration, and the knowledge you need to build your business intelligently from the ground up.

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Starting a Business

How to Start a Business with Little or No Money

Having a great idea for a new business happens all the time. The real question is, can you turn the idea into a profitable business? That's what separates the dreamers from the real entrepreneurs. Business ideas are relatively easy to come by. Money, on the other hand, is not so much. That is, ...
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Successful Failures

Successful Failures – Lessons for Every Entrepreneur

When it comes to starting a business, there’s no clear path to success. If there was, everyone would be doing it, right? And though it’s painful to admit, failure is often the stepping stone to success. How many times do babies fall before they learn to walk? How many belly flops do Olympic divers ...
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Online Payroll Provider

What You Need to Ask When Choosing an Online Payroll Provider

One of the first things any financial consultant will explain to a small business is that managing payroll is very different from managing the company books. Tax laws in every state are constantly changing, and you need someone in charge of your payroll who can adjust your company's payroll and ...
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SEO for Business

9 SEO Best Practices You Should Already Be Doing

Search Engine Optimization, more commonly known as SEO, should be part of any online business' strategy for drawing visitors to their website. By using SEO, businesses can get their website found on search engines and attract people who are looking for the services that the company offers. ...
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Crowdfunding Your Business – All You Need to Know

Getting money to fund your business idea is one of the most daunting tasks of starting your own business. Some entrepreneurs max out their credit cards trying to launch a business. Others work with investors, banks or other lending institutions to raise capital to start their business. For ...
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Business Friendly States

5 Most Business-Friendly States – Is Yours One?

Doing business in the United States is quite different than doing business in other countries. Each of the fifty states has different laws for businesses, and work with businesses in different ways to help them succeed. Typically, this means that states will offer different incentives to help ...
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Does More Work (Really) Yield Better Results?

Does More Work (Really) Yield Better Results?

There is an old axiom that more is better. But is that really true? It seems logical that the more you work at something, the better it will be. It's not as simple as that, though. At some point, you can actually be working too much, and the result might not be what you expect. If "more is better" ...
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Is a Coworking Space Right for My Business?

Is a Coworking Space Right for My Business?

Startup businesses all have one thing in common: they never have enough of anything. Whether it's finances, resources, or workers, there never seems to be the right amount at the right time. It can be frustrating to realize that once you've tackled one problem, another one crops right up. One of ...
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Why a Merchant Cash Advance Might Be What You Need

Why a Merchant Cash Advance Might Be What You Need

A merchant cash advance is a form of financing that business owners can use to quickly and easily inject additional capital into their business. However, just like any other type of funding, it is suitable for some businesses but not for others. Read on to find out if this kind of financing is what ...
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The Best Ecommerce Platforms for Your Small Business

The Best Ecommerce Platforms for Your Small Business

It’s never been easier for small business owners to open an online store. Over the last couple of decades, dozens, if not hundreds, of platforms have been created to make building an online shop quick, easy, and as painless as possible. If you have always dreamed of creating an online shopping ...
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7 Huge Mistakes New Business Owners Should Avoid

7 Huge Mistakes New Business Owners Should Avoid

New business owners tend to jump into their new venture with guns blazing and high expectations. Or, on the other extreme, some new business owners proceed with such caution and concern that instead of making decisions with confidence, they make most decisions with consternation. While you might ...
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How to Start a Restaurant - A Step By Step Guide

How to Start a Restaurant – A Step By Step Guide

Opening a restaurant is an exciting new business venture. But before you start counting your Michelin stars, you'll need to go through the same steps that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to do in order to make your restaurant a success. It used to be taken as a foregone conclusion that 99% of ...
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