Taking out a small business loan isn't ordinarily, a bad thing, especially for a small or startup business. The success of your startup or small ...
"I need a loan but keep getting declined!" This is a typical lament of a frustrated business loan applicant and rightly so as there are more denials than ...
Big banks can be reluctant in lending money, particularly to people and businesses with bad credit. If you need to get a start-up business loan ...
Having bad credit doesn’t have to mean that you can’t have a business or even a business bank account, complete with a separate credit score for your company ...
Did you know that about 10 percent of start-ups fail within the first year? And, 29 percent of them fail due to lack of sufficient funds and poor ...
The COVID-19 outbreak changed the entire business landscape. Small business owners who face stress, financial pain, and challenges of the long road ...
Most small business owners never think for a second about what their small business is actually worth until it’s time to think about what it’s actually worth. ...
As an entrepreneur, you have so many opportunities and so much potential ahead of you. Cash, or as a matter of fact, the lack of it, is one of the main ...
If you have ever rented an apartment or applied for a credit card, mortgage or personal loan, then you already know that having a good credit score is ...
‘Terms’ as used in the world of finance, is known as the span of time your loan payment may continue, which could be short or long term. However, this ...
Building a business is hard work, and the learning curve is steep. Bizit was born to help
you find the best solutions, tools, and vendors for your business, so that you can spend more time on
building your business, and less time managing it.